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His performances took many guises. From plain old ridiculousness to ironic musings to darn right piss taking.


Karaoke has led to a desire to create his own version of drag. Not one where he dressed up as a woman, but one where he created a homage to his favourite ladies... delivering merely their essence. At the moment this is limited to Fred Cargo (a white van driver whose obsession with Frida Kahlo leads him to lecture the unwitting audience with her political ideals and agendas) and Gary Perry (a middle aged London lad who expounds the virtues and feminine struggles of Katy Perry).


PLAP, does actually mean something, but he has absolutely no recollection of what... He joined the collective twice.


The first time was to ridicule the blinkered fanaticism of those that journey to St Ives on the pilgrimage to become artists, but who then merely create poor pastiches of the St Ives Movement's most beloved creatives. 

The second time was to perform "Measuring the Temple", which explored his belief in the futility of art.


During his time in St Ives he also performed with the community theatrical group Rough Coast, playing Falstaff in The Merry Wives of Windsor, where his performance received the review: he "vividly portrays a believable balance of devious delusion, vanity, pomposity and inept buffoonery". 

He would also regularly perform stand up with the group "something something" Aliens...? His most favourite monologue was the one that told the story of his misunderstanding regarding dog groomers being sexual predators. He then erratically decided to commit comedy career suicide by performing a literal adaptation (where no comical misunderstandings took place) of the four candles / fork handles sketch, where he likened this bastardised, if not castrated version of this much loved sketch to many St Ives "artists" work being nothing more than poorly executed, misguided, shallow adaptations of the actual artists of the St Ives Movement that lacked any integrity or true understanding to their origins.

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